Friday again and another update.
Both me and Johan are playtesting. I'm playtesting a skirmish WW2 game. I got plenty of feedback from my fellow playtester Love which is very much appreciated. I started out using D6 in the game but with so many modifications on the rolls made the D6 too limited. So I'm working on rewriting the game to use D10 instead. After the game we made a rather long checklist of things to look at and that didnt work good enough, but as proof of concept it was a success. The game would have been ready for a second playtest by now if it was not for me being sick this last week. The next step would be to give the game a work-name. Any suggestions?
And Johan is recruiting fellow gamers at the club we've been going to for several years. They're a good sport and usually tries our wacky ideas. It will be interesting to see how they react to Johan's Planetside that have recieved a major rework since the last playtest. Especially in the points balance and calculations. It will be fun to see how it works out.
Have a nice day
Good design choice there. The limitations of the D6 is why I don't play Flames of War.