17 Sept 2010

Weekly update (week 37)

Hi again

I have a confession to make. I've been a bit lazy this last week when it comes to this page. But I have good reason to as I'm trying to finish school. So this week it have mostly been about thinking of what I want to do and not so much actually writing or playing. What I really want to do though, is to find someone who can help me build a metal screen to use for Vector Launch to make it easier to play.

Johan though, he have been busy. He's planning a new playtest of Zombie Teaparty with new missions and characters. It is closing on something to get published. And he have totally redone the points for Planetside and should close in on a second grand playtest. And the new layout of calculating the cost of a model is now much simpler which is always a good thing if you ask me. And to top it off, he mentioned an idea that he have had for a while now. A combination of miniature game and card game. Imagine a Magic TG duel but where you also keep track on where you and your minions are. Could be great fun if he manages to pull it off.

Thats it for now.

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